Specialists in Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Trusts

Will Writing Services

Who needs a Will

The boom in home ownership over the past forty years as well as the growth of savings has made it essential for most people to have a professionally prepared will. After making sacrifices to own your home, you want to be sure where it will pass after your death.

Couples with children whether married or not, should make a will in order to appoint guardians for their children. If there is no will Social Services and the Courts may decide who would look after your children after your death.

Single Will

You may be on your own and require a single will where you can appoint the executors you want to deal with your estate and the beneficiaries you want to inherit the estate.

Mirror Will

You may be married or living as partners and require mirror wills. Mirror wills are two separate wills that reflect each other, appointing the same executors to deal with the estate and choosing the same beneficiaries to inherit the estate.
Contact us now to discover the best options for your will.
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